First, is there anyth This Week's Rapper: Mookie Jones
This Week's Subject: Commercials and commercialism
Ask A Rapper: Everyone is making this big fuss about Eminem's decision to shill for Lipton and Chrysler during the Superbowl. But it leads to a two-pronged question we'd like to ask.
First, is there anything wrong with a rapper lending his brand to push things like cars and beverages? And does it matter that he's already rich? And if it does matter, isn't that at least partially hypocritical?
Mookie Jones: There's nothing wrong with a rapper cross-marketing their brand with other diverse brands in order to expand their network, even if the artist is wealthy. All artists start with their brand. I only feels it's hypocritical if the brand that the artist is supposed to represent does not match the brand that the artist has branded for himself.
AAR: Cool, second, we're going to lob some companies at you and you tell us which Houston rapper would serve best in the spokesperson role for each respective company and why. So, which Houston rapper would be the best spokesperson for.
MJ: Bun B. Cadillac is like the premier vehicle of America, just like Bun B is the premier artist of Texas. Bun B for President
MJ: Lil J Xavier, because he's a younger artist. He should be out there representing for the younger youth promoting positive images, protected sex, etc.
MJ: JusBrittany. Well, she is built like a horse! [laughs] Just Kidding. On a serious note, animal cruelty is a sensitive subject, and I feel a woman's touch would be much-needed for that situation.
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